AI Information Hub

Students, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools has opened doors to exciting possibilities in research, writing, and even artistic expression. These tools can be valuable resources, offering assistance with brainstorming, generating content, and exploring different approaches. However, it's crucial to remember that AI serves best as a supplement, not a substitute, for your own intellectual development.

Overreliance on AI for tasks like writing research papers or creating art can diminish your ability to think critically, solve problems independently, and develop strong research skills. The human brain is a remarkable tool, capable of profound analysis, creative synthesis, and original expression. By relying solely on AI, you miss out on the invaluable process of exploration, experimentation, and refining your own ideas.

AI tools can be a powerful asset when used strategically. They can help you kickstart the creative process, generate initial ideas, or explore different research avenues. However, the true learning and development occur when you actively engage with the information, analyze the results, and refine your own approach. Remember, the satisfaction of independent thought and the unique perspective you bring to your work are invaluable. Don't underestimate the power of your own brain – after all, it's the most remarkable tool at your disposal.

AI for Busy Students - Improving Workflow in Your Life

AI for High School Students: Boosting Workflow, Not Bypassing It

AI (Artificial Intelligence) is rapidly changing the game, and high school students can leverage its power to become more efficient learners and well-rounded individuals. Here's how AI can enhance your workflow, beyond research and writing:


Extracurricular Activities:

Sports and Fitness:

Volunteering and Community Service:

Remember, AI is a powerful tool, but it's your creativity, critical thinking, and initiative that truly matter. Use AI to enhance your workflow, not replace your own intellectual engagement. By using these tools strategically, you can become a more efficient and well-rounded student, both inside and outside the classroom.

AI Resources by Subject

Language Arts:



History & Social Studies:

Overall Research:

Image Generation:

Music Generation: