AI is here. How do we manage it and leverage it in our classrooms?

"Artificial intelligence is poised to change education in ways we’ve hardly begun to anticipate, and ChatGPT’s appearance serves as a reminder that teachers need to be ready to adapt quickly to sudden and exponential advancements in technology. If students can now use AI to complete homework assignments or craft a convincing essay for class, for example, educators may need to rethink their approach to assessments and the types of homework they assign.

The key is to not avoid ChatGPT, or try to prevent students from accessing it, but to teach them how to use it as a springboard to take their creativity and learning even further. "


"What educators and students can learn from ChatGPT" | LINK

Varying Degrees of AI

What are our guidelines surrounding the following AI and/or predictive text tools?

Technology Experts and on AI

"In my lifetime, I’ve seen two demonstrations of technology that struck me as revolutionary.

The first time was in 1980, when I was introduced to a graphical user interface—the forerunner of every modern operating system, including Windows. I sat with the person who had shown me the demo, a brilliant programmer named Charles Simonyi, and we immediately started brainstorming about all the things we could do with such a user-friendly approach to computing. Charles eventually joined Microsoft, Windows became the backbone of Microsoft, and the thinking we did after that demo helped set the company’s agenda for the next 15 years.

The second big surprise came just last year. I’d been meeting with the team from OpenAI since 2016 and was impressed by their steady progress. In mid-2022, I was so excited about their work that I gave them a challenge: train an artificial intelligence to pass an Advanced Placement biology exam. Make it capable of answering questions that it hasn’t been specifically trained for. (I picked AP Bio because the test is more than a simple regurgitation of scientific facts—it asks you to think critically about biology.) If you can do that, I said, then you’ll have made a true breakthrough."

Professor Mollick, UPenn Wharton School

Re: AI: "[Mollick] readily admits he alternates between enthusiasm and anxiety about how artificial intelligence can change assessments in the classroom, but he believes educators need to move with the times

"We taught people how to do math in a world with calculators," he said. Now the challenge is for educators to teach students how the world has changed again, and how they can adapt to that.'"

"Teachers and professors across the education system are in a near-panic as they confront a revolution in artificial intelligence that could allow for cheating on a grand scale.

The source is ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence bot released a few weeks ago that allows users to ask questions and, moments later, receive well-written answers that are eerily human."

Plagiarism Policy

Resource: WMHS Student and Parent Handbook

This plagiarism policy is designed to foster a commitment to intellectual honesty and integrity. WMHS students will be supported to work and succeed based on their own efforts and commitment to growth. As such, students are expected to refrain from all types of academic dishonesty, cheating and plagiarism, including, but not limited to:

● Taking a test in a dishonest way.

● Intentionally using, closely imitating the language and/or ideas of, or copying the work of another person and representing the work as one’s own (including cutting and pasting from online sources).

● Knowingly using fraud or deceit for one’s own or another student’s benefit within the school community.

● Intentionally sharing one’s own work so that another student may represent the work as one’s own.

For an assignment that is plagiarized using AI. The classroom expectations regarding student work are clear: all work submitted by students should be their own, and all sources should be credited. Based on the school plagiarism policy, here are the next steps:

1. Parents/School Administration is notified - all concerned are copied onto this email, and a note will be submitted through Powerschool

2. The assignment receives a failing grade (0/20 points)

3. For the first violation, a student is required to submit a written reflection (signed by parents) to their teacher and administrator. I will accept your previous email as a reflection submission for me.

If an administrator determines that this is not your first offense, there will be additional consequences. Please note the policy for a second offense:


● Discipline referral by teacher sent to administration for inclusion in the student’s disciplinary record

● Student receives a 0 for the assignment

● Student receives a minimum of three (3) administrative detentions or (1) Saturday detention

● Administrator facilitates meeting with student, parent, and teacher